I have a box of Xerox staples, item 108R493, up for grabs. Their website says that they work in the WorkCentre 5845/5855/5865/5875/5890 Office Finisher & Office Booklet Maker. I can inter-office it to whoever wants it.
Thank You
[image: 20190802_142211.jpg] *Barry Monroe* *Administrative Assistant*
Box 5880 8 Clarkson Avenue https://maps.google.com/?q=8+Clarkson+Avenue+Potsdam,+NY+13699&entry=gmail&source=g Potsdam, NY 13699 https://maps.google.com/?q=8+Clarkson+Avenue+Potsdam,+NY+13699&entry=gmail&source=g
315-268-4352 bemonroe@clarkson.edu