We have a Printer Cabinet sized for a MakerBot 3D Printer and a 2 drawer filing cabinet available for Clarkson use. They are outside BH Snell 121. First come, first served.
Thanks, Adrienne :)
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*Adrienne Boswell '99, '03* *Academic Advisor / Office Manager*
121 BH Snell Hall Box 5740 8 Clarkson Avenue https://maps.google.com/?q=8+Clarkson+Avenue+Potsdam,+NY+13699&entry=gmail&source=g Potsdam, NY 13699 https://maps.google.com/?q=8+Clarkson+Avenue+Potsdam,+NY+13699&entry=gmail&source=g 315-268-2144 aboswell@clarkson.edu https://aboswell.youcanbook.me
https://www.instagram.com/clarksonunivem https://www.facebook.com/Clarkson-University-Engineering-Management-Program-493339897746624/
*Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. ~George Herbert*